In the past I described how to make beats in Cubase. Now we can export beats and publish them online. Lets go through the steps and discover the best places to upload them.

The project is mixed, mastered and finished – so we can click export and get the mixdowns. First, lets get an mp3 with the tag. Next a wav without the tag. Then a trackout – click multiple, select all of the instrument and vocal channels. Create a folder with the project name and export them there. Zip the package after we close the project so we can upload is to websites.
Publish Beats on Beatstars

We can create a container for the beat – name the track and set the release date. Before I would download pictures for my tracks online but now I go out with a camera and take photographs for them. It gives you the option to upload a picture or use Canva to help make the picture. I use Canva to crop photos and add text to them. Now we can upload the 3 audio files, enter the metadata and then publish/schedule the release.
Publish Beats on Airbit

With Airbit we can quickly and easily post tracks to YouTube + Facebook. It can generate good videos for your tracks publish them for you. It can also scan YouTube for your tracks and help you claim royalties. I upload tracks to airbit in batches of 4 – so that I can have 4 days to remake the track before it goes on youtube and facebook.

We can make instagram videos beats with FL Studio. It has a plugin called ZGameEditor Visualizer that you can provide the track, track photo and video to, then make a good track video for instagram/x/whatsapp/tiktok. It has a good choice of good visual effects that I use quite a lot.